City-bikes + Childrens bikes

Our bicycles are of good quality and equipped with gears, package holders and baskets.
Helmets and locks are included in the rent.

1 hour 95 SEK
1 day 325 SEK
24 H 435 SEK
2 days 625 SEK
3 days 810 SEK
4 days 1000 SEK
5 days 1190 SEK
6 days 1375 SEK
1 week 1500 SEK
rent e-bike


Electric bike 250W equipped with gears, package holders and baskets. Electric motor that makes cycling easier. 26/28tum sized bikes. Helmets and locks are included in the rent.

1 hour 190 SEK
1 day 550 SEK
24 H 750 SEK
2 days 1200 SEK
3 days 1500 SEK
4 days 1800 SEK
5 days 2100 SEK
6 days 2400 SEK
1 week 2700 SEK

Read our terms
Please note that we optain a copy of a valid ID upon rental.


We offer more to make your bike adventure even better.

Helmet 0 SEK
Locks 0 SEK
Highchair 150 SEK
Bike trailer 150 SEK
Picknick-basket* 300 SEK

*The picnic baskets are pre-ordered no later than the day before departure, made in simple design and contain hot + cold drinks, sandwiches and snacks for 2 people.